Asakusa, Taito, Tokyo, Japan | May 7-27, 2024 | GR IIIx


I once
would not have shared this image.
Even if I were to share,
I would have straightened the lines;
removed unwanted elements;
edited the exposure;
brightened the shadows;
recomposed for perfect symmetry;
and made color correction to perfection
in the post-editing process. 

But now
I find that
the emotional element is lost;
the feelings element is not present;
and the soul can't be traced
in a perfectly composed image.

I share this image 
as original,
as authentic, and 
as raw as it is.

To most,
this image has flaws and is not perfect.

To me,
it represents what I want to express. 

I guess
the image hasn't changed.

the way I see the world 
has changed.
